
Purchasing Property

If you have a parcel of land or an existing property that you're considering selling, we'd love to learn more and lend our expertise.  

Selling your land or home is a big decision – one that demands equal measures of expertise, transparency, and trust. Whether you’ve just begun contemplating a sale or you’re eager to put a parcel on the market, KinBilt’s team of experienced professionals welcomes the opportunity to view your property.


We want to get to know you and your property.

Selling property is a delicate process that only succeeds with strong professional relationships, so before all else, we take the time to get to know you as well as the property itself. We dive deep to understand your interests and goals for selling your land. Whether you have an existing homestead, family estate, single lot home, or an undeveloped parcel of land, we explore your property and its sale potential, looking at the character of the landscape, its history, its owners, and its place within the existing community.




We offer our professional expertise around site development and use, and discuss potential next steps for the property. Often our properties are purchased before going on the market, making for a smooth, easy process for sellers.


We’re always honest, open, and transparent about whether your property meets our criteria for development. We know your time is valuable, and if we aren’t interested, we won’t string you along. If you have a property you’re thinking about selling or you’re ready to act, reach out to us today. We’d love to take a look and start a conversation.


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